Ruthless Pride - Underground Brotherhood CD

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První oficiální kompletní album francouzské kapely Ruthless Pride, která ve své hudb? kombinuje Oi!, Punk a metal.

English version:

The first official full album Ruthless French band Pride, which in their music combines oi, punk and metal.


01. Intro
02. Outside
03. No Trust
04. Stop Crying
05. Sweet Vengeance
06. Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat & Crucify
07. Underground Aggression
08. Leave Me Alone
09. Bloody 1622
10. They Don´t Care About You
11. Never Forget

Recenze Backstreet Battalion:
Ruthless Pride je francouzská kapela, která má na kont? dva demá?e (2006 a 2008) a toto je jejich první oficiální album, které vychází na naąem domácím v?d?ím albelu 4Subculture Records. Na demá? z roku 2008 tu najdete receni na staré verzi Battalionu, kde dostali 8/10. Od té doby kapela ztratila sle?nu, která s nimi hrála a hraje jen v t?í?lenné sestav?. CD obsahuje 11 anglicky zpívaných song? v?etn? intra (které je z parádního filmu ?eta). Ruthless Pride hrají t?ľkopádný pomalejąí Oi!, kterej je hodn? ąvihnutej metalovou/hard rockovou kytarou alá Motorhead (t?eba song Underground Aggression je parádní ąpinavej rock´n´roll), která má solo tém?? v kaľdém songu. Ur?it? tam jsou slyąet i Exploited (t?eba Leave Me Alone je jako z Horror Epics) a jejich mix punku, Oi! a metalu (ne ale ve zp?vu, ten není tak je?ivej jak Wattie, ale v nástrojích). Zp?v je hluboký, ale není nijak výrazn? hrubý. Mezi t?mi 11 (respektive 10 songy) je i cover od GG Alinna and Murder Junkies Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify. V tomhle songu (kterej je proti originálu hozenej více do HC rytmu, je rychlejąí a nemá ľenské vokály) hostuje na vokálech n?jakej jejich kámoą. V posledním songu Never Forget uslyąíte i akustickou kytaru. Textov? kapela zpívá o tom jak je fajn, být vy?len?n ze spole?nosti (Outside) a jak jim to dát pat?i?n? najevo (They Don´t Care About Me and You), politici (No Trust), pomsta (Sweet Vengeance), odpor k mainstreamové hudb? a trend?m (Underground Aggression), ale t?eba i historie, konkrétn? dobytí hradu Montlaur hugenoty (Bloody 1622). Ur?it? bych je cht?l vid?t na ľivo, hlavn? to, jak kytarista seká sóla a do toho zp?v. Booklet je ud?lanej parádn?, celá ?ada fotek ať kapely, nebo tematických k song?m (jedna je dokonce z filmu Taxi Driver a týká se songu No Trust). Obal a i n?které texty na m? p?sobí celkem depresivn? a kapela celá jede hodn? FTW p?ístup k ľivotu. Parádní songy jsou ur?it? Sweet Vengeance, They don´t Care, ale pro m? hlavn? Underground Aggression, coľ je pro m? hitovka alba s parádním nihilistickým refrénem Fuck Peace We Are the War. Uľ demá? kapely se mi hodn? líbil (hlavn? songy Troublemaker nebo Violence). Tohle je podobné, akorát zvuk je kvalitn?jąí a sakra hutnej. Mám moc rád kapely, které nejsou známé (nebo lépe ?e?eno nedocen?né), ale jejich zvuk a um Vás zmastí jak papír od sekaný a tohle je p?esn? ta kapela!

Review Backstreet Battalion:
Ruthless Pride is French band which has released two demos (2006 and 2008) and this is their first regular album released on our home label 4Subculture Records. On demo from 2008 is review on old version of BB and their received 8 from 10. The band ?lost? female in line up and this album was recorded in three pieces. CD contains 11 songs in English including Intro (from the Platoon movie). Ruthless Pride are playing heavy slower Oi! spiced with metal/hard rock guitar like Motorhead (for example Underground Aggression is great fitlhy rock´n´roll song) with solo in each song. I can heaer also touches of Exploited there (Leave Me Alone sounds like from Horror Epics album) and their mixture of punk, Oi! and metal (but not in vocals, it is not similar to Wattie but in guitars). Vocal is deep but it is not so rough. There is also a cover version from GG Alinna and Murder Junkies - Shoot, Knife, Strangle, Beat and Crucify. In that song (which is more into HC rhythm comparing to original sound and also it is without female vocals) is some guest on vocals. In the last song Never Forget you will hear also acoustic guitar. Lyrics are about the fact that you stand out of society (Outside) and you should show it to other citizens (They Don´t Care About Me and You), politicians (No Trust), revenge (Sweet Vengeance), denying of mainstream culture and trends (Underground Aggression), but also history ? conquering of Montlaur castle by hugenots (Bloody 1622). I want to see them live because I want to see how singer is playing guitar solos live. Booklet is done well ? many band photos and also photos which are connected to the songs topics (one is from Taxi Driver film and it is connected with No Trust song). Cover and lyrics are quite depressing and the band has FTW attitude. Great songs are Sweet Vengeance, They don´t Care and Underground Aggression, which is greatest hit for me from the album with nihilistic refrain Fuck Peace We Are the War. I really like their demo CD (songs like Troublemaker or Violence). This is quite similar but the sound is better. I really like the bands which are not so well known or which are underrated but their sound kicks your ass and this is one of these bands!! 

Přidat do košíku:

  • Kód: 4S2013163
  • Výrobce: 4Subculture Records

Tento produkt byl přidán dne Sobota 17. duben 2021.

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