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Control - Punk Rock Ruined My Life CD


Po debutovém albu Hooligan Rock´n´Roll, split EP s Marching Orders, Business a EPku Trouble on the Streets posílá do sv?ta tahle britská parti?ka do sv?ta druhé album s názvem Punk Rock Ruined My Life (s dodatkem but I wouldn´t Change a Thing). Taky je proslavil song Keep the Home Fires Burning z Green Street Hooligans 2. Na albu najdete 15 song?, což odpovídá cirka 3 minuty na song. Krom? klasický kytary, basy a bicí uslyšíte v n?kterých písních i banjo a trumpetu (No Help for Heroes). Co se mi líbilo na prvním albu, bylo to, že kapela dovedla složit song o pal?ivé problému spol?enosti, o které se vlád? a politik?m nechce mluvit a p?ichází se svými sranda ?ešeními, které v d?sledku k ni?emu nebudou. Takže pokud chcete slyšet kritiku sou?asnýho systému v UK, tak Control Vám vše ?eknou p?kn? od plic. CD otevírá apokalyptický intro Thrown To the Wolves, což je vzkaz vlád? UK, která se oto?ila zády ke svým ob?an?m. Následuje song Punk Rock Ruined my Life, který m? dostal svým agresivním zvukem (hlavn? basa, kytarové vyhrávky a st?ídání hrubšího a jemn?jšího hlasu v refrénu) a je o tom, jak se díky kapele m?že zm?nit váš sv?t, kdy máte možnost podívat se díky pozvání na kocnert n?kam po sv?t?, což ale ohrožuje vaší práci a možnost placení ú?t?. Druhej song je melodi?t?jší a prost? mi p?ipomn?l starý Dropkick Murphys, hlavn? svým singalongovým refrénem a jmenuje se High Time I Hung my Boots a je o tom, že každej by se n?kdy na to všecko nejradši vysral, ale pokaždý Vás to p?itáhne zpátky, protože je to n?co skv?lého a žijeme jen jednou. Další song, co bych vypíchnul, se jmenuje No Help for Heroes s parádním refrénem a jež považuju díky použití trumpety za nejlepší song na albu a je o vedení nesmyslných cizích válek kv?li lidem naho?e. Potom ur?it? singalongová hitovka Rebellion in my Blood (která mi kompozicí trošku p?ipomene Agnostic Front) a p?edevším song Ian Huntley, což je ?lov?k (dá-li se to tak v?bec ?íct), který si odpykává doživotí za vraždu dvou desetiletých dívek (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fc/Sohamchapmana-
ndwells.jpg). Na ten tematicky navazuje song Job to Do, který za?íná akusticky a je o tom, jak se ve stát?, kde pro vrahy a jiné t?žké zlo?ince neplatí spravedlnost objeví mstitel, který vykonává spravedlnost po svém. Ostatní songy vypovídají nap?íklad o zvyšující se d?tské kriminalit?, kdy každej druhej teenager nosí kudlu nebo kvér (Another Mother´s Sound), media co ví vše o skinheads (He´s a Skinhead - koukn?te na ofiko video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbBc49qQxO8), chytrém nápadu britského parlamentu ud?lat zákon, který umožní duševn? nestabilním a nemocným jedinc?m volný pohyb ve spole?nosti (Chaos in Community) nebo všem ob?tem válek a hlavn? propagand?, která válku zobrazuje jako dovolenou (Soliders of Misfortune). Parádní v?cí je fakt, že krom všech text? zde najdete i krátké povídání ke každému songu (což je podstatný pro lidi, kte?í neví tolik o tom, co za kravinu zrovna schválí UK vláda a ze samotného textu songu by to t?eba nebylo pochopitelné ? t?eba Chaos in Community). Jak už jsem psal, kapela má hodn? agresivní zvuk a skute?n? si p?i jejich poslechu neodpo?inete, naopak se ješt? víc naserete. Control jsou kapelou, která otvírá a navíc ješt? sype s?l do bolestných ran, které chce vláda a spole?nost naoko zalepit, ale p?itom nechat bez lé?by odum?ít. Doporu?uju všema 10 (krom? toho tenhle tejden to vypadá na recenze samejch briskejch kapel, tak t?eba tu máme po pár letech spánku 4. vlnu Oi! hudby).

After the debut album called Hooligan Rock´n´Roll, split EP with Marching Orders, Business and EP Trouble on the Streets is here second album from this British lads called Punk Rock Ruined My Life (with subtitle but I wouldn´t Change a Thing). Also they get little bit famous with the song Keep the Home Fires Burning from Green Street Hooligans 2. On this album you´ll find 15 songs which mean circa 3 minutes on one song. Instead of classic instruments like guitar, bass and drums you´ll hear also banjo and trumpet (No Help for Heroes). On first album I like the fact that the band knows how to make a song about the problem in society which isn´t too talked by government and politicians. So if you want to hear some lyrics which criticize UK system, choose Control. CD is opened with apocalyptic intro called Thrown To the Wolves which is dedication to UK government which turns away from the people. Second song is Punk Rock Ruined my Life really catch me with their aggressive sound (mainly bass and guitar solos and changing of the rough and soft vocal in refrain) and it is about how can punk rock band you play in change your life ? you can see other places because of gigs but it can ruin your work and paying the bills. Second song is more melodic similar to older Dropkick Murphys stuff mainly thanks to its great singalong refrain. It is called High Time I Hung my Boots and it is about the feeling which everyone surely had to piss on everything but also that you always come back because it is great and we only have one life. Another song which I like is called No Help for Heroes with great refrain. In this song you can hear the trumpet and form me it is the best song from the album. It is about nonsense wars for the people above us. Then also great singalong masterpiece Rebellion in my Blood (which reminds me Agnostic Front stuff) and mainly song called Ian Huntley who is man (if you can say man about him) who has life imprisonment for murder of two 10 year girls (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/f/fc/Sohamchapmana-
ndwells.jpg). This song is tied together with the next one called Job to Do which starts with acoustic guitar and it is about the state without justice for murderers and dangerous criminals with vigilante who took justice in his hands. Other songs are about the increasing criminality of teenagers when every teenager carries knife or gun (Another Mother´s Sound), media that knows everything about skinheads (He´s a Skinhead ? see official video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tbBc49qQxO8), clever idea from British law to send mentally unstable free into normal society (Chaos in Community) or about the victims of war propaganda which draws war like holiday (Soliders of Misfortune). Great is also the short description to the lyrics (which is cool for people who doesn´t know every law which approved and you can´t understand it from the song- like Chaos in Community). As I wrote before it has really aggressive sound and you can´t rest while listening to that album?you will probably get angrier then before. Control is band which opens and pours salt into wounds which government tries to tape but leave without treatment to die. Really recommended and full points for Control (by the way this week I have to review only British bands so it looks like that we have 4th wave of British Oi! after several years).
Datum přidání: 15.06.2011 napsal Peddy - Backstreet Battalion Peddy - Backstreet Battalion
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